Sunshine Mile District
04.10.23 Update on the plans to develop Solot Plaza and Zemam's properties north of BBVN was presented at a recent BBVNA Board meeting (plan shown below).
07.07.21 Tucson Mayor and Council approve the Sunshine Mile Overlay Plan with amendment to remove height incentives and limit building height in the midcentury subdistrict to 4 stories (54').
Sunshine Mile Overlay District Website (Rio Nuevo)
Feb. 2021 Sunshine Mile Overlay District Document (pp. 81-88 for Mid-Century Modern Sub-District)
June 2021 proposed Sunshine Mile Overlay documents sent to Mayor & Council (letter, plan, summary community conversations)
December 2020 Sunshine Mile Overlay Proposal
2019 Rio Nuevo proposal for Mid-Century Max Height
Sunshine Mile District (SMD) Design Review Committee Responsibilities
Communicate details of the SMD Urban Overlay ordinance to BBVN residents; collect questions, concerns, and suggestions for changes to the ordinance, focusing in particular on property owners within 150' (affected properties) and 400' (individually notified by the city.)
Interface with the Rio Nuevo design team to present concerns and suggestions collected from BBVN residents. Advocate for a revision of the ordinance that is more acceptable to affected BBVN property owners.
Once an SMD ordinance is adopted by Mayor and Council, identify ad hoc Design Review Board member candidates for consideration by the BBVNA Board if/when proposed developments adjacent to BBVN call for a formal design review.*
*See pp. 11-18 (II-2 to II-9) of the SMUOD doc dated 2/3/21 for a detailed description of the design review process and the composition of the associated design review boards, pp.14-15.